"Prometheus Making Man in Own Image"

"And they were like wild animals.
And became gods.
He deprived them of their knowledge of the future, and gave them hope instead. He further taught them the use of fire, made them acquainted with architecture, astronomy, mathematics, the art of writing, the treatment of domestic animals, navigation, medicine, the art of prophecy, working in metal, and all the other arts."

"Hmm shall I cause controversy? Um, no. The thing is, it’s not a prequel. It definitely is separate. It is a separate story, but there are threads that connect the stories."

"You won't be disappointed. I remember when they said they were going to do another Alien, I just thought, 'Where can you go with that?' Then they sent the script — I kept wondering, 'When is this going to get bad?' and it never did."

"Prometheus is basically a Greek god that stole fire from the gods so that he could give humans equal footing with them. And then he got sort of tied up to a tree or rock and then an eagle comes down and eats his liver each day and it regrows and he eats it, regrows so figure it out. How can you tie that into space?"

Michael about "Prometheus"

"It sounds like a story about humans trying to steal terraforming technology from an advanced alien race but not being quite comfortable with how to use this technology, so of course something goes wrong and they have to pay for it."

Christian Fowler

Original Source is here and here.