A Personal Message from Zack Snyder

When I set out to make 300, I honestly believed I was simply making a really cool comic film, massive in scale, but a comic book film nonetheless. At he time I had no idea how far the stylized dusty battlefields of Thermopylae would reach.

Even in hindsight, it is sometimes hard to fathom the welcoming 300 has received worldwide from fans. With that in mind, I want to extend a sincere "Thank you" to each and every one of you who supported the film.

The opportunity a film based on a graphic novel that always found both narratively and visually arresting, written by one of the comic world's true masters, was an honor in itself. In its printed form, 300 is stylized, unapologetic, humorous, tragic and triumphant all at once. It was my goat to make a film that embraced all of those qualities. From the sharp and sarcastic tongue of King Leonidas to the interpretation of the grotesquely deformed traitor Ephialtes, each step of the way embraced the surreal world of 300 that refused to be defined by the typical conventions of the swords-and-sandals genre.

I hope that you enjoy this, and as Leonidas himself said, "Unless I miss my guess, we're in for one wild night!"