"For every King there is an unscrupulous advisor whispering in his ear. In Albion, that man goes by the name of Reaver. The millionaire head of Reaver Industries has been granted complete control of Bowerstone Industrial and enjoys a monopoly on ruthless profiteering. Reaver cares not for the environment and even less for his fellow man. He proydly employs children in sweatshop conditions and treats his adult employees like slaves. A brutality efficient businessman, Reaver will not hesitate to kill anyone who dares protest. Those who deafly ignore his suggestions do so at their own peril."

"Reaver is one of the few charcters who appered in Fable 2 as well as Fable 3. In Fable 2, he was involved in the action so he looked a bit more adventurous. In Fable 3, he became cruel business man, so we gave him an urban and sophisticated look. he is the owner of Reaver Industries and he'll make the Hero make really difficult choices."

Jorge Sanchez, Game Strategy Guide