"A king has his reign...
And then he dies...
to never reborn..."

"This story was compiled by Warren creator of "ALIEN - The official authorised movie magazine", so all credit goes to them.

As most of you probably already know in the seat behind the large cannon in the movie "Alien" the Space Jockey has been Chestbursted. But the origin of this large humanoid race is unknown as there was never any true background to it behind H.R. Giger's (creator of the Alien) story or Ridley Scotts. Three stories were adapted the first two were chucked away and the third is what we see in the movie. Where Lambert, Dallas, and Kane find the remains of the large Space Jockey Chestbursted in the seat behind the cannon. Warren concieved a possible scenario of what might have happened to the Space Jockey's, here's how it goes...

...Thousands of years ago, the jockey's race had hoped to settle on the Alien's barren world. Like most advanced civilisations, they had long ago outgrown their native world. A large, fit breed, they planned to use their sophisticated science to do what they had done on countless other planets: alter its environment to make it habitable. First, the colonists made certain that they would not be destroying any native life-forms with their atospheric manipulation; unfortunatly, since the Alien eggs were dormant, two sensors of the benign giants indicated no signs of life. A ship landed, its crew hopeful that the job could be swiftly accomplished.

They began their work and, after screaming into their radios, were never heard from again. A second team suffered a similar fate, so the third landing was made by the jockey, at the controls of an armed vessel. With one finger on the trigger of the cannon, the pilot warrior looked for the creatures which were presumed to have slain the previous parties. There was nothing to be seen. No remains of the jockey's fellow being, or their attackers. Stepping onto the planet's rocky surface, the jockey did some exploring and, like those before him, discovered the Alien eggs. Thinking them to be harmless in their unhatched state, and possibly damaged by the environmental changes begun by his predecessors, the newcomer loaded them into the ship's hold, to bring them home for protection and study. The parents of these creatures must have perished protecting their unborn children against what they thought was an "invasion." Surely they could not be blamed for that.

Suddenly, about to leave the hold, the jockey was assaulted by a Face Hugger and, unable to see, stumbled to the bridge of the ship, to surrondings which were familiar and could be navigated by touch alone. When the Face Hugger's task had been completed, the Alien seed implanted in a host, the chitinous carrier died and fell away. The unsuspecting victim recovered quickly and broadcasted the story home.

Then, the jockey felt the first painful movements of the throbbing Chestburster. Movements before the Alien sprung from within its torso, the giant being programed the ship to beam a warning, twice each minute, to any ship which might approach the planetoid: STAY AWAY!"