H.R. Giger, "Giger's Alien", Morpheus International

"It should rank as one of the highlights of my life so far. I am a screen-writing student in Ottawa and our class had a 3 day visit to Toronto to pitch our ideas to the studios. After the usual meetings with script editors and agents I, all alone, made my way to the studio. I have never seen production facilities in my life and it sure left an impression. [It was] like a huge warehouse overlooking the sea. I walked in the facility and could see huge RVs all around. I went around asking some officials if they knew where Prometheus was being shot and as it turned out- It was the only movie being shot at the moment. I met one of the guards or officials and talked to him for around twenty minutes.

H.R. Giger, "Giger's Alien", Morpheus International

He told me that there is a set piece which is 3 blocks high and one of the most "alien" things he has ever seen. The highlight was when he said they had built two massive spaceships or some futuristic vehicle which was very un-futuristic. I was confused but realized what he meant was the spaceships would probably be very un-glossy. Something like a night-mare of a ship and the Nostromo came to mind automatically. I asked him about Ridley but he said he wasn't around..."

H.R. Giger, "Giger's Alien", Morpheus International

I think its a safe bet that the large space ship that they speak of is the one with the long dead pilot ( featured in the image in this post ). Ridley Scott has spoken about the plot and its ties to the original Alien movie and said:

"While Alien was indeed the jumping off point for this project, out of the creative process evolved a new, grand mythology and universe in which this original story takes place. The keen fan will recognize strands of Alien’s DNA, so to speak, but the ideas tackled in this film are unique, large and provocative. I couldn’t be more pleased to have found the singular tale I'd been searching for, and finally return to this genre that's so close to my heart."

Original Source is here