Introduction: "Assassin's Creed" is film adaptation of the popular video game series: "Assassin's Creed" (Produced and Presented by Ubisoft). The film is written by Michael Lesslie ("Macbeth" (2015)), Adam Cooper ("Exodus: Gods and Kings" (2014)) and Bill Collage ("Exodus: Gods and Kings" (2014)). The film is directed by Justin Kurzel ("Macbeth" (2015)). The film stars Michael Fassbender ("Macbeth" (2015)), Marion Cotillard ("Macbeth" 2015)), Jeremy Irons ("Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice"), Michael Kenneth Williams ("12 Years a Slave") and features Brendan Gleason ("Edge of Tomorrow"). The film was also produced by Michael Fassbender (Who happened to be Ubisoft's first and only choice) who also chose the director, Justin. The film was released on December 21st, 2016 but received negative reviews 2 - 3 days earlier. I was very hyped for this movie. I watched the directors previous work such as: "Macbeth" (2015), "The Snowtown Murders" (US TITLE) and "Blue Tongue" (SHORT FILM). I did not see "The Turning" because it sounded boring and a waste of 3 hours... Sorry... I may watch it sometime in the future. Pretty much everyone who worked on 2015's "Macbeth" worked on this film. ANYWAY! Did I like or hate the movie? I LOVED IT!
Good: -The Cast -The Directing -The Action -The Plot (which I liked a lot but others didn't) -The Characters -The Writing -The Music (composed by Justin's brother, Jed Kurzel) -The Cinematography -The Supporting Characters -Balance of Present and Past AND -Pefect set-up to future sequels. Hopefully Ubisoft follow through and make a trilogy... Bad reviews shouldn't stop them.
Okay: -The "Crazy" (by Patsy Cline) singing. I understood it but... Michael could've sang better (That was a joke).
Bad: ~Nothing I Found~
Conclusion: A lot of people (critics) hated this film calling it silly (It's based off a video game), CGI- overuse (all the stunts were real besides the background settings of the past and present + what movie isn't CGI-Overused in 2016?), "Dull" (People want dark/gritty + I didn't find it like that) and "A hard to understand plot" (I could follow it and it was easy for my family to understand + How is it "Hard to follow"???). And "Clunky Dialogue"... WHAT? The dialogue was fine... It was no Aaron Sorkin but it wasn't horrendous like "The Room" or B- Rated Nick' Cage movies.
Overall: A 8.5 or 9 out of 10 is suitable for a film I wasn't disappointed by. I hope Ubisoft makes a trilogy. Me and my family wanted more after seeing the movie. NOTE: Ubisoft don't back out because critics didn't like... 77% of audiences love it.
Good: 11/12 Okay: 1/12 Bad: 0/12
My Personal NOTE TO CRITICS: Now, my family (Mom and Dad + Little Brother) saw this movie opening day on Wednesday, December 21st. It was day 1 of my Christmas Break from High School and we drove for a hour and twenty minutes. It was worth it!!! Now, my parents don't like video games and had no idea about what "Assassin's Creed" was about... They loved it. My mom said the same thing I said: "I want more!" (Referring to a trilogy). My mom and dad were skeptical because they heard about the bad reviews but were in aw about how it could be hated. My brother loved it (and got a Funko from the movie in his Lootcrate). Bottom line, people who know the source material (Me and my brother) and people who don't (My mom and dad) all loved it and want to see more. I loved the film and I'm going to but it on Blu-Ray. There's 32 minutes CUT out so maybe a "Extended CUT" (That was a joke). Ubisoft... Do a trilogy and I want to see more video game to film adaptations like: "Watch Dogs" OR "Splinter Cell".