"A Dangerous Method" of David Cronenberg and not only about it...

All of this wouldn't be so interesting if this shooting have not put together at one time such a unique actors creating characters whose triangle of relations remains one of the most provocative and intriguing till today as well as a book which deserves an additional discussion.
In a word, next month in Germany at full speed there's filming of a new David Cronenberg's movie "A Dangerous Method" ("The Talking Cure")...

Everyone knows Sigmund Freud... And if you do not, an expression "all our problems come from childhood" have been used in a lifetime at least eighty percents of adult population of a planet... And if we are mistaken, and the percentage component is less, forgive us right now...
Carl Jung is known for no less than his glorified teacher, and is a figure as scandalous as his mentor...
Next to them - the top of the love triangle – Sabina Spielrein looks rather and rather modest... The poor our compatriot... She seems to be known all over the Europe to a much greater degree than in a country which, according to her birthplace, is her Native land... But now everything should change by all means...
So, "according to a plan":

The left lower vertex of the triangle –

Grandpa Freud, setting everyone's teeth on edge... Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist... The person, who founded the whole psychoanalytic school, gave a new interpretation of dreams and relationships of our hidden conscious and unconscious... His followers were the aforementioned Carl Gustav Jung and Wolf Messing...

The first candidacy on screen personification was Christoph Waltz, however after he won an Oscar something has changed ("something" – precisely, and we leave it at that, because of the cinematic speculations, "hangnails" and gossips we didn't write, don't do now and will not), the role has passed to Viggo Mortensen to our great joy, and he needs no additional advertising...

So, Sigmund Freud – Viggo Mortensen...

The right lower vertex of the triangle –

Carl Gustav Jung... A psychiatrist from Switzerland... He's a founder of the one of school of depth psychology, analytical psychology, expanded borders of that most beloved "collective unconscious" and developed the theory of "archetypes" defining our thoughts, feelings and actions...
Candidacy for this role was never called in question by David Cronenberg...

Carl Gustav Jung – Michael Fassbender

The top... Topmost vertex of the triangle... And the first one at the same time... She's the only one... she's a "stumbling block" and "root of all evil"... she's the root cause of discord between the Master and the Follower and further Master's not quite respectable innuendos...

Sabina Spielrein (Sabina Nikolaevna Sheyve Naftulievna Spielrein) in marriage Sheftel... Born in Rostov-on-Don... Follower of Carl Gustav Jung, was a Russian and Soviet analyst. The author of the work "Beyond the Pleasure Principle", in which tried to prove that sexual desire and attraction to death go "hand in hand" and that in the self-decay we always can find a basis for creative reconstruction...

Sabina Spielrein - Keira Knightley

And this candidacy on a leading role was not in question too.

So "what actually happened between them"?

And about what, perhaps, thought up to make a film a socking great, unaware of the prohibitions and conventions David Cronenberg?

This idea arose more than two years ago, when the director payed attention to the Christopher Hampton's play "The Talking Cure"... Then about a project nothing was heard for a long time and now, at last, having bought the rights through an Austrian company "Hopscotch Films", David started filming...

Relations within... between the three vertexes "in quicksands"...

1 Sabina goes to a clinic near Zurich (where a young specialist Carl Gustav Jung being tested psychoanalytic experience of his teacher Sigmund Freud) complaining of hallucinations, repeated hysterical attacks and fears that seize her again and again every night.

2 Carl cured Sabina for eight months and proved Freudian theory that in hysteria is always present "a share of sexual desire, produced in youth"...

3 Sabina Spielrein falls in love with doctor in charge with all the fervor of a "first time"...

4 Jung reciprocates his patient feelings and describing in detail the course of treatment in letters to his Master, tells nothing about the side effects of it...

5 Love affair lasted from 1906 to 1909. Sabina asked Carl about a baby, dreaming of a boy named Siegfried in honor of the beloved hero of "The Song of the Nibelungs"... It's almost accepted... But this time his wife had a boy, and his parents give him name Siegfried... (By the way, Jung's wife was once his patient too).

6 Shortly before the break with Sabina, Jung, finally, wrote about everything to his beloved Master...

7 Sabina married Pavel Sheftel, also a psychoanalyst...

8 Jung gives to his follower and former beloved an advise to ask about her thesis Sigmund Freud...

9 Sabina takes in the famous "Society on Wednesdays" created by Freud in Vienna...

10 Cooling and a complete break between the Master and the Follower... Freud didn't excuse Jung the silence about the affair with a patient healed by his method… In revenge, he wrote the work "Notes on the transfer of love", which without naming names unveil all the details of the relations between Carl and Sabina with an emphasis of the fact that in this case, woman's feelings were not based on personal qualities of the object-man but on the transfer of patient's erotic fantasies… The jealousy to Jung never left the aging Freud, who despite all the failure could not see that Sabina still loves her doctor and teacher, all the works she dedicated to him and translate each work of Jung into Russian, promoting him in Soviet Union...

11 Sabina for a long time trying to reconcile friends-psychoanalysts, behaving much more decent and noble than they both that constantly accusing her around and calling in the ongoing all this time correspondence a "seducer"...